Well I got all of the screws and seals for the fogs now it's time to install them.
Pulled my bumper out of the shed and set it up for fitting.
Then went right at it and started hacking it up........

Actually it was a very slow process trimming the grill so that it followed the shape of the fog light perfectly.
Once I had the grill cut out it was time to start on fabricating the sheet metal brackets.
You just have to love the simplicity of beer box templates.......

Top bracket ready for test fitting.

Slid in just like it was factory made.

Then was the time consuming process of measuring, cutting and bending the bracket to fit the the light housing.

With the top bracket fit in place it was time to do the same for the bottom. The curve and uneven size of the bottom half of the grill opening proved to be some what of a pain. I was eventually able to get the lower bracket in place. After a few hours of trimming, grinding and filing.

With the brackets in place it was time to alter/fabricate the 94-95 Accord fog light housing brackets themselves.
This was a fairly easy part of this process.
First was the very long and way off level lower bracket.

I heated it up and bent it straight back. From there I was able to make it into a 90. So it was on the same level as the upper bolt hole. Drilled the hole and we are good to go for that side.

The other side of the housing was a bit harder. It was way off but unlike the other side it was too short. Therefore I had to bend this one straight up and weld on a new bracket.

New 90 bracket tack welded in to place and it was ready to be fit to the grill brackets.
Here is how they sit now.

Waiting for a fresh coat of satin black paint and some new wiring.